Saturday Meme- 5 Things That Make You Happy

Hello! Am already back in Kuala Lumpur since Monday evening but have been busy playing catch up with some things (And chores) and I am apparently still recovering from “jet lag”, hence the lack of a “normal” post this whole week, even though I did plan to have one up :x But I thought this would be a good prompt to get me back into the groove! That, and I’m kind of cracking my head with what to review- reason will be up next week, so stay tuned as regular posting will hopefully by next week! :P

Anyway, to kick start today’s Saturday Meme, again with my dear Sukie of A Little Bit of Everything, we’ll be talking about 5 Things That Make You Happy! I do think I definitely have more than 5 things that would make me happy (As is the case with every Saturday Meme), but these are the ones that had immediately sprung to my mind when I was writing this up, so here’s mine in no particular order! :)

1. Books

Image nicked from here.

I absolutely love love love books. Nothing can beat books in my book (Pun intended), especially physical books. I’ve been told I could read since I was 2 years old and I have never looked back since. Want to keep me quiet? Just throw me a book and I will be, and I can spend a lot of time pottering about a bookstore >_< I will literally read anything, except autobiographies or biographies (For some reason, I don’t like them), and I dream of one day owning my own private library/reading room with ceiling-to-floor bookcases for my books, which I have a lot of because I read quite fast and hence go through a lot of them :P Buying and reading books just give me great pleasure.

2. Wind Chimes

Image nicked from here.

For some reason I am apparently quite partial to the sound of wind chimes- metal, glass, bamboo, ceramic/porcelain, whatever, as it makes me feel happy and most of all calm. Why? I’m not too sure myself, but it’s a very welcome sound to my ears :) Too bad most of the time it doesn’t seem to be windy enough here, as the wind chimes hung on my front porch hardly make any noise. Maybe that or they need a windier place hmmm.

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